Mistakes That Will Keep You From Getting Flat Abs

In your quest for flat abs, you may unknowingly make some mistakes that will prevent you from getting flat abs. You may try as hard as you can to get a flat tummy, but if you make these mistakes you will lower your chances for success. Here are the top mistakes to look out for:

Doing only abs specific exercises
If you do crunch after crunch (and you do no other exercise) with the hopes that it will give you flat abs, you are mistaken. You will never see flat abs from abs specific exercises alone when your abs are covered in a layer of fat. Get rid of that fat first and you'll see your abs.

Doing tons of cardio
Doing too much cardio can actually be bad for you. This is the more and the longer your cardio sessions, the greater the chance that your body burns lean muscle mass for energy. You need all the muscles you can get - they burn fat and calories like crazy.

Skipping weight training
Weight training should be your best friend when you want to get flat abs. This is the process of building muscle (trough weight training) burns away a lot of fat and it also speeds up your metabolism so that you burn calories even in your sleep.

Only exercising one abs muscle
You will never get that six pack abs look if you only train one muscle group - you may even get hurt if you do it like that. To get the best benefits of abs specific exercises, make sure that you exercise all the abs muscles equally, that includes the upper and lower abs as well as the obliques.

Going on fad diets
Avoid fad diets as much as possible. They will do your abs only harm in the long term. This is because fad dieting slows down the metabolism and can also cause loss of lean muscle mass.

Following a low carb diet
Low carb diets rob your body of its vital energy source - carbs. Don't go on low carb diets they will make it difficult to exercise because of the lack of energy.

Eating unhealthy
What you eat is just as important for exercise when you want to build flat abs. So make sure that you feed your abs only healthy foods.

If you avoid these mistakes and you follow a healthy eating plan and a regular exercise plan, you will increase your chances of getting flat abs.

If you want to make sure that you get a six pack, have a look at the truth about abs program - it contains everything you need to build a six pack. Find out if the book is for you by reading this article: truth about abs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzie_Parker

1 comment:

  1. For what comes to exercices i think i have a good combo going on, cardio, weight tranning, and streching, but for the diet part, that can be a problem, i do eat healthy food, but i do feel like i am not getting enough intake, what would be the foods recommended?
