Why You Need to Stretch and Improve Your Flexibility

Most of today's society is plagued with muscular imbalances due to repetitive patterns of movement which place undue stress on the body. That includes sitting or standing for long periods, and repeating the same movements overtime.

Muscular imbalance are a result of poor movement of the joints, inappropriate muscles taking over the function of the primary muscles, and decreased nueromuscular control. People of all ages and all fitness levels can benefit from stretching.

Stretching improves joint range of motion, improves the function of your muscles and improves neuromuscular control or efficiency.

Flexibility is the range of motion around a specific joint or a set of joints. Every movement you make including daily activities in general, exercise as well as all sports require your joints to move through a full range of motion. Therefore a lack of flexiblity will lead to muscular imbalances and eventually injury.

Stretching exercises don't require any special equipment so they can be performed anywhere, at your desk, at home or in the gym.

Flexibility and stretching exercises should be performed during warm up and cool down. Stretching during warm up prepares your muscles prior to exercise and prevents injury. Stretching after a workout improves joint range of motion and helps your muscles recover after a workout which also prevents excessive muscle soreness.

And if you don't exercise and lead a sedentary lifestyle it's even more crucial you perform some form of stretching and flexibility exercises. Just remember to only stretch to the point of slight tension and hold for at least 30 seconds. Never bounce while stretching.

Its best to stretch every major muscle group. That includes the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, hips and buttocks, back, chest, shoulders and neck. Stretches must be held for at least 30 seconds to improve flexibility.

There are different forms of flexibility training, including static, active, dynamic and self myofacial release with a foam roller.

Static stretching is the most common type of stretching seen in fitness today. It involves taking a muscle to a low point of tension and holding that stretch for a minimum of 20 to 30 seconds. This allows lengthening of the muscle being stretched by contracting the opposite muscle. This type of stretching is a great way to correct muscle imbalances.

Self myofacial release is also a form of corrective stretching. By applying pressure to "knots" or sensitive areas of a muscle, this technique allows bundled muscle fibers to be straightened and inline with the direction of the muscle, This in turn leads to lengthening of the muscles. It's a great way to restore your body to it's optimal level of functioning. This can be done by rolling specific muscles on a foam roll.

Active stretching and dynamic stretching are another form of stretching. They should be performed only as a warm up prior to exercise and stretches are held for very short durations with several repetitions. They should only be performed if you have no muscle imbalances.

Improve you flexibility and not only will you feel great but you'll improve your posture, reduce your risk of injury, relieve pain, counteract aging, improve muscle recovery after workouts and reduce stress.

Geian Gardi is a NASM certified personal trainer and owner and operator of a Strength Training Website which offers sample workouts and fitness information.

Get sample Stretching Flexibility Exercises that include static, foam roll and active stretching, complete with images and instructions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gina_Gardi

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