Stretch Exercises to Do Prior to Working Out

It's always a good idea -prior to diving straight into your workout- to have good top-to-bottom stretch. For the 5 minutes it takes to stretch there are many benefits, the main one being injury prevention.

Engaging into moderate to high intensity exercise while your muscles are cold is just asking for trouble. This is why stretching is so critical.

Remember if you sustain an injury be it a pulled hamstring strained back that can put you out on your goals for anywhere up to 4-6 weeks. For this reason, it is certainly worth getting into the habit of Stretches before Exercise.

Before you undergone your stretch exercises it is advisable to go for a light jog as stretching while cold can leave the muscles susceptible to injury. This jog is only for 5 minutes at a low intensity. After this you will be your brief, head-to-toe stretch routine as follows;

Neck stretches

The muscles of the neck are our starting point of your stretch. The head is forced down to the left, right, front and back with the force of the neck itself pushing it down each time. (So that means no force using the hands!) Each one of the four stretches is held for ten seconds. Then a slow, controlled roll of the neck is to be completed

Shoulder stretches

Pin the shoulders back into the body and hold them there. Then bring the arm across the chest and press the other arm on that arm in towards the chest. Hold for ten seconds. Finish with a double arm swing for 10 seconds ensuring a full loosening out.

Piriformis stretches

The performs are muscles in the gluts, activated during all lower body exercises. These are stretched by lying flat on your back and pulling your knees toward the opposite side of your body. Perform for 10 seconds each side.

Hamstring stretches

Hamstring stretches Stand up-right and then place your heal on the ground 2 feet from your body. Bend into the extended leg, place your hand on your knee and tilt your upper body forward until you feel a slight pain in the back of the extended leg, the hamstring.

Quadricep Stretches

Stand up and place the front of your foot in your hand by swinging your leg backwards. Now pull this foot towards your gluteus to feel a stretch on the frontal area of that leg.

Abductor and hip stretches (Groin)

Place your feet 1 meter apart and parallel to each other. Now with your hands on your waist lean to the left side and feel the stretch on the inside on the inside of your right leg. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat the opposite side

Calf muscle stretch

Place the top of your foot on an object approximately 2 inches height. Bend your knee forward while keeping your heel on the ground. Lean your body into the knee for even more of a stretch! Hold for 10 seconds each time. This is the end of your Stretches before Exercise.

Visit for more information on Losing Belly Fat and how to Gain Ab Muscles.

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1 comment:

  1. thanks for these info!

    I think i really need to know about stretching especially for my shoulder and legs. sometimes i jog.

    more power!
