How to Get Muscles Fast - 3 Skinny Guy Rules to Get Big Muscles Fast

Tired of looking in the mirror and seeing a bag of bones? Want to know the simplest ways to beat your skinny guy genetics and figure out how to get muscles fast?

Here are the top 3 muscles building rules to help skinny guys get muscles fast.

Increase Your Calorie Intake

There is a simple maxim to remember here: Eat BIG to Get BIG

Us skinny hardgainers typically suffer from a metabolism that seems to be running at full pelt. Look at this as a blessing rather than a curse...when you've built a few extra pounds of muscle it's going to be far easier for you to burn off any excess body fat and get ripped.

To get muscles fast you need to increase the number of calories you consume per day. A rule of thumb is to try and get around 3,500 calories per day (an average guy is recommended to consume around 2,500). This may seem like a lot of calories but you're going to need them in order to gain mass and get muscle.

Split your meals into six meals per day spaced at regular intervals - 3 hours apart. This will keep your metabolic rate stable and keep a constant supply of energy and nutrients feeding your muscles to aid their repair and encourage growth.

Hardgainer Weight Training Routine

If you're wondering how to get muscles fast then you simply cannot neglect the importance of a weight training workout. And not just any weight training'll need one that is specially designed for your body type - the skinny hardgainer.

As a rule, you'll want to stick to around 3 full-body workouts per week, lasting between 45 minutes to an hour in length. The key is to work at full intensity and waste as little time as possible. Who wants to waste their precious time at the gym anyway...there's better ways to spend it, right? Get In, and Get Out. Simple.

You'll want to change up your routine every few weeks so that it doesn't become stale and forces your body to keep adjusting. Here's a routine you can use to get you started:

Squats 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bench Press 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bent Over Rows 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bicep Curls 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Lying Tricep Extensions 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Calf Raise 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps

You'll notice that most of the above exercises are compound exercises, meaning that they work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Most isolation exercises are a waste of time at this point, as they will slow your progress and fatigue you far quicker, making it harder for you to get muscles fast.

Cut Down On Your Cardio

While cardio is great for your overall health, it can be a thorn in your side if you're looking at how to get muscles fast. Cardio is really a fat burning exercise, and so if you already a skinny guy, your body is probably sourcing its additional energy from your muscle tissue. This is detrimental to your efforts of how to get muscles fast.

Over the next few weeks aim to reduce your cardio sessions so that you can focus on gaining muscle mass. Use cardio as a warm up and cool down exercise for your weight training workouts. If done properly your weight training workouts should be providing you with a good amount of "cardio" stimulation anyway, which is one of the reasons that you need to perform them at a high intensity. Try this program designed by a hardgainer who transformed his own body, gaining over 41 pounds of lean muscle mass in only 6 months ==> How To Get Muscles Fast

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