How to Get Muscles Fast by Doing Less Work

Anybody that wants to improve their body will be interested in knowing how to get muscles fast!

A common reason as to why so many people who train with weights struggle to gain muscle is probably because they are weight training too often. The human body does not follow the more is better theory. It is a living organism, and requires time to make changes. When it comes to weight training workouts and trying to gain muscle, training too often is detrimental to the process. Most people think that if the go to the gym and train, then they will get bigger and get grow some muscle. The truth is that the actual training will not make your muscles grow. The training is just a catalyst for muscle growth. The actual growing takes place outside of the gym when you are resting and feeding your body.

If you have always found it hard to get muscle, then the chances are that either you are not training hard enough, or that you are training too regular.

Most people will train 3-4 times a week. This is too much for the majority of us, because we are not giving our bodies the time to recover and rebuild. You should have a minimum of 2 days rest between each workout, 3 days would be even better. However when you do train, you have to make sure that your workouts are full of intensity. Meaning that you go as heavy as you can during your weight training workout. After this you need to get plenty of quality calories and rest for the next few days. The other reason as to why people fail to get muscles fast is down to the exercises that they do. Go into any gym in the country and you will see people doing exercises like bicep curls, triceps exercises, leg extensions, leg curls, and so on.

None of these exercises are going to get you muscles fast. This is because they do not stress the whole body. You need to focus on exercises which are going to work the highest number of muscles in one movement.

These weight training exercises will include squatting, dead lifting, bench pressing, shoulder presses, dips. and pull ups. All these exercises hit a lot of muscles, and when this happens your body is forced to take steps to cope. It does this by getting stronger and making your muscles bigger. As long as you give it the food and rest it needs to recover. So in conclusion, train no longer than 2 times a week.

Make 2 routines out of the handful of exercises listed above. Eat plenty of calories, and get lots of rest on your days off. This is how to get muscles fast.

Anybody can learn how to get muscles fast

The problem is that most people tend to target the wrong exercises and workout too often. You need to cut back on training, but that does not mean you take it easy. You train hard as you possibly can, but have longer rest periods between workouts.

Visit us for more information about the best weight training workouts for Muscle Growth

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1 comment:

  1. I understand your point on resting your body. but training twice a week doesn't get u quick results and increase strength e.g look at ronnie coleman he trains 6 times a week and really more because he trains morning and night look at phil Heath and jay cutler and really most body builders. Its alot about rest and fuelling your muscle I agree but I train 3-4 times a week and I'm the biggest strongest and have the best physic in my gym what I'm trying to say is on paper your theory is good but results don't lie.
