How to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

Are you trying to figure out how to gain weight the healthy way without the use of expensive supplements or drugs? I would not recommend that you take advice from someone who is genetically blessed. It is best to take advice from someone who used to be very skinny like me. It is always best that you choose the healthy way to gain weight.

Never listen to people who tell you to eat whatever that is in sight to help you gain weight. If you choose that path, you will end up with the "skinny-fat" appearance - scrawny but with a beer belly. Is that what you want? I won't be surprised when you have high blood pressure when you decide to eat doughnuts and fast-food everyday. If you want to look great, you are going to have to eat clean most of the time.

The reason why I say most of the time instead of every time is because it is impossible to eat clean all the time. You have a life so you go out with friends to eat food at a restaurant.

Your diet should mostly consist of whole-grain, lean meat, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Gradually replace junk food in your home with healthy choices. You do not want weight gainer shakes because they are full of sugar. You want to make your own home-made weight gainer shake, such as, fruits with oatmeal blended with fat-free milk.

You have to gradually increase your calories. You can't eat the same amount every time and expect miracles to happen. In order to gain weight, you must eat more. You might think that sounds obvious, but most people do not think about that. They usually tell me, "I usually eat about 2500-3000 calories per day, but why am I not gaining weight?" They answered their own question when they said "usually". You do the same thing over and over, you will get the same old results.

You will also need to workout. If you don't workout, the weight that you gain will all be just fat. I assume you are not trying to become fat.

I used to believe that it was impossible for me to build muscle as a skinny hardgainer because I was 135 pounds at 5'7. I am now over 160 pounds with muscles in less than 4 months. If you are serious about gaining weight and building muscles, then get my free guide on how to gain weight fast.

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