Passive Vs Active Stretching

When it comes to stretching there are two kinds of it. There is passive stretching and then there is active stretching. When you are stretching you want to make sure to do both types of stretching to get the optimal results that you're looking for.

Passive stretching could also be called static stretching. It involves a force that is located from outside of the muscle you're stretching, such as gravity or another muscle. The other muscle in passive stretching would be an unrelated muscle to the one you're trying to stretch. An example of using gravity to stretch would be when you bend over and try to touch your toes. You can also use a machine or another person to help you stretch.

Muscles around the joints not becoming activated is the common idea behind passive stretching. Some of the benefits to this kind of stretching are that it can be less stressful to do than active stretching and it can be a more enjoyable to do.

Active stretching is also known as dynamic stretching. This one can be done by using an antagonist muscle group to stretch out another one. While that might sound a bit confusing it's not that difficult to understand with the help of an example. In this case an individual who is actively stretching kicks his leg up in the air. When he kicks his leg up into the air he is using his quad muscles to lift it up. However, his hamstrings and calf muscles are the ones that are going to be stretched.

Both of these kinds of stretching are important to you and your overall well-being. Sometimes it will help to do these exercises with a partner or on a machine. The good thing to know about these exercises are that you can do them whenever you want, wherever you're at.

Another benefit is that you don't have to spend a lot of time doing them, just a few minutes a day can greatly improve your flexibility. The important thing here is to make sure that you do it on a regular and consistent basis.

Nick Samuel is quite the computer nerd. Not only is he interested in computers but he is knowledgeable in dogs, relationships, and working out. Check out his latest website on cardboard picture frames and panoramic picture frames

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